October 4, 2021

The Sum of the Parts

I do, however, have favorite moments of filming, some of which were caught on camera and some not. In episode 1, taking the field was such a surreal experience. We were like little kids in the tunnel, getting our pictures taken and sending videos to our friends - being out on the field on the […]
April 8, 2021

Marketing 101 Makeover

Nobis quasi et commodi consequatur omnis quia voluptates ea qui et quas molestiae et tempore autem impedit minima accusantium libero vel laboriosam modi officiis et dolor et. Voluptatem modi mollitia impedit voluptatem quae laborum eos ut eveniet ipsam unde soluta reprehenderit velit voluptas.
April 1, 2021

Can You Do It Again?

What is Incremental Profitability? The incremental profitability of a customer is the contribution of that customer to your fixed costs- i.e. sales over time minus the variable costs of fulfilling that customer over time -typically including variable costs of goods sold, fulfillment costs, and any shipping costs. This data on the costs of customer acquisition […]
March 25, 2021

How Do You Find The Right Connections?

We all have a powerful tool in the palm of our hands, and chances are unless you live under a rock, you are on social media. There are groups, chats, and forums that you can join to find the right people. We have never been more connected even though we are physically distanced. Reach out, […]
February 26, 2021

I Don't Know How To Spell FALEYOUR!

The shiny object!  But, our business did not easily translate to those cultures, the language barrier made it challenging and it distracted us from more lucrative opportunities closer to home, so we eventually reverted to a domestic-only company.  There are lots of ways to grow your business, but there are fewer ways to do it […]

recent posts

The Sum of the Parts
Marketing 101 Makeover
Can You Do It Again?