Courtney Lawless
I get asked so many questions, but one I hear most often is, how do I find the right contacts or the right people? I talk so much about the importance of your network and having a strategic partner, but how does that happen? I can tell you from experience, it is not by magic or luck. For me, it took years to build the network of contacts I have. The next sentence I usually hear is…. (drumroll), “I don’t have years!!!!” There are a few things to do in this scenario if you find yourself lacking in any area of your network. Chances are you ‘know a guy, who knows a guy!’ Think about who (a person or a company) would be a great match for you, and more than one is preferable, try a whole list! Then, go on LinkedIn and see if anyone you know is connected to any of these people or companies, chances are someone is!!
We all have a powerful tool in the palm of our hands, and chances are unless you live under a rock, you are on social media. There are groups, chats, and forums that you can join to find the right people. We have never been more connected even though we are physically distanced. Reach out, and get conversations going, you never know where they will lead. One key that I found early on, is that you may meet some (or a lot) of people that aren’t quite right for your business or needs; however, they may be right for someone else you know or have spoken to. Help be a connector and pay it forward, I guarantee it will come back and then some! Happy connecting!!!